Jeremyville & Creative Director Megan Mair are speaking at the Pictoplasma Conference in Berlin, this Thursday April 7th, and showing recent work this Wednesday, April 6th, 2011, at SOTO. He will be in attendance, so come and meet the artist. The show features a giant 7 x 17 feet canvas work (edition of 3), from the 'Fragments of the Apocalypse' series.
'Fragments of the Apocalypse' is a new series of paintings and drawings by New York based artist Jeremyville, dealing with the last days of pop culture on earth, the death of well known icons, and the carnage of the cute.
It's an end game in which pop finally eats itself, Apocalyptic birds pick at the decaying carcass of a long dead Mickey, cannibal Smurfs on acid wield deathly axes, cute pop characters succumb to the darkness in their souls, and the entrails of our consumer society corpse spill out and seep back into a dying earth.
Exploring a color palette of lurid candy pinks, neon sign yellows, newsprint greys, dirty gelati pastels, and the deepest midnight black, this is a series about the end days of our pop consumer culture, and a document of those character strewn landscapes of destruction.